Python UK Conference 2013

Last month I went to the Python UK Conference 2013, in Coventry. It was a very interesting conference! It was my first time there. It’s a conference where the delegates really help organize it with talks, chairing sessions, etc. (all voluntarily).

I learned quite a lot: about Python and software engineering in general. Many talks […]

The Big Bang Theory: Bernadette song

Bernadette song: The Big Bang Theory

This is one of the top-10 moments of The Big Bang Theory:

I liked the lyrics, the singing… everything!

And after this song I had to go and listen to some of the songs of Helen Arney, such as:

As you might know I like Festival of […]

Caganer, caga tió…

Fa temps sense voler em va sortir un acudit!

A la feina em diuen que tenim una fixació, perquè veuen que tenim el Caga Tió, el Caganer (en tinc dos a la taula). I jo els hi vaig dir que anessin a cagar!!

(bé, potser alguna fixació sí que tenim?)

Scarborough and East Coast

Two months ago I went to Scarborough. Nice time to finally see someone from Scarborough Linux User Group: Catux and Scarborough group are “sister LUGS”.

We used to chat in the Catux mailing list in 2005 and 2006. 8 years later we met eachother. Amazing!

On the way there one of the trains got delayed […]

MultiBit on Debian Wheezy: “Connecting…” instead of “Online”

I installed MultiBit (a Bitcoin client) on my Debian Wheezy. I didn’t know much about Bitcoin so I thought that I’ll install and play around about with it.

I installed Multibit using the “Linux/Unix Installer” (see the instructions).

I ran MultiBit but it didn’t connect to the network. The bottom-left status message always said Connecting… […]