API and UX

In my daily job I develop a desktop application. I work on the full stack of this application: from back-end services (network, sqlite,…) to front-end (buttons, transparencies, etc.) and everything that I need in the middle.

Different teams help us. One of them is UX: User eXperience: they think about the whole user experience: what […]

Coses del català

Li deia a la meva cosineta: si una «taula» petita és una «tauleta»… com és una «monja» petita? «mongeta»!

I un «calçot» petit? «Calçotet!»

I ara he llegit d’una persona que parla català molt bé però que és nadiua d’Estònia: «per què dieu carnisseria, gelateria, peixateria, cansaladeria, etc. però llavors dieu òptica enlloc d’ulleria?» Li […]

Programmers on their knees

A colleague maintains the webpage Programmers on their knees. I really like it! Many of the pictures are from our office. I’m featured in a few places.

The Expert (short comedy video)

I really liked this video: