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Fa temps vaig recomanar, des d’aquí, a alguns familiars. Com quan es recomanava algú al bar, però a Internet.

Bé, en aquell moment la novia del meu germà, l’Irene Solanich, encara no tenia Web… però ara ja fa mig any que sí: Graduada en traducció i interpretació, si necessiteu algun servei de traducció o […]

Somebody That I Used to Know: Acapella version

I really like this video:

Music visualization

At Mendeley, once a month, we have a hackday. I usually try to think something different to do, for example using our data or our Open-API in a different and new way. So far I’ve built one game, a screensaver, a file system… and also a music/sound generator!


Two hard things in computer science

Two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.

I don’t know who is the original author, but I really like it.

Should we unit test trivial code?

Should we unit test trivial code?

A dilemma that I’ve had long time ago: should I unit test a very trivial code, with a very trivial unit test? Answer: yes.

I remember that once I had a class which, in that moment, had only a getter and a setter. Something like:
