OpenVPN traffic measurement

After setting up the OpenVPN server I wanted to measure how much data the clients were using. I didn’t want to limit it but have an idea of how many MB they used.

I searched quite a lot on the Internet but I didn’t find a good solution. I’ll present my solution here.

In the […]

OpenVPN configuration for Android

For different reasons I wanted to setup an OpenVPN connection so my Android phone could connect to my Debian Wheezy VPS and from there to the Internet.

I followed this tutorial and was very good (I failed with another tutorial). And I generated the .ovpn that is needed for Android using the script that I […]

How to generate OpenVPN .ovpn configuration file

I followed this amazing tutorial and I had a working OpenVPN server.

One thing that I wanted to do is to create .ovpn files. So instead of having the configuration, certificate, private key, etc. in different files I wanted to have everything in the same file.

I found on the Internet how to do this […]