Llibre: Hackstory

Fa poc he llegit el llibre Hackstory de Mercè Molist. Quan el vaig començar no pensava que m’agradés tant com ha estat. Em va sorprendre molt.

És molt amè, informatiu, entretingut. Si recordo bé comença cap a l’any 1980 amb temes de radioaficionats (que vaig fer els meus “pinitus”), després parla de BBS (en vaig […]

Mapnik, osmosis, MongoDB bbox queries

Recently I’ve done a few tests querying data (POIs, Points of Interest) from Open Street Map. I imported the data from OSM into different databases and formats and I wanted to query it.

I’ll show 3 queries: from MongoDB, from PostgreSQL (tables using Osmosis format), from PostgreSQL (tables using osm2psql format).

POIs from MongoDB

I […]

Foreign travel advice: Spain

A few months ago I was researching how safe it is to travel to a few countries. I used the Foreign Travel Advice webpage from the British government.

I thought to do a bit of “quality control” of their information. What do they say about countries that I know well?

So I went to read […]

Llibre: Los Últimos Libres

Fa poc que he acabat el llibre “Los Últimos Libres” de Victor M. Valenzuela. Es pot comprar en format epub o en format paper.

M’ha agradat molt! L’autor és enginyer informàtic, el llibre és fàcil de llegir i m’ha enganxat molt. Es pot llegir en pocs dies ja que és curt i fàcil de llegir.


London LOOP finished

Last June I mentioned in another blog post: on the last weekend of April I started the London LOOP (London Outer Orbital Circle).

In the first weekend of October I finished it! 240 Km, 15 stages (officially 23 stages but I followed a book that divided it into 15 stages).

The London LOOP has been […]