At Mendeley, once a month, we have a hackday. I usually try to think something different to do, for example using our data or our Open-API in a different and new way. So far I’ve built one game, a screensaver, a file system… and also a music/sound generator!
Should we unit test trivial code?
A dilemma that I’ve had long time ago: should I unit test a very trivial code, with a very trivial unit test? Answer: yes.
I remember that once I had a class which, in that moment, had only a getter and a setter. Something like:
A couple of weeks ago I went, for first time, to an unconference.
An unconference, like you can read on the Wikipedia, is a conference (or meeting?) without a schedule. In a nutshell: there is a “delegate” (like an organiser) who will book the venue, book some food and drinks, and will start the unconference […]
Fa força temps instal·lava un Photoshop a un Mac (per provar una incompatibilitat amb el plugin de Microsoft Word a Mendeley, ja està tot arreglat).
La sorpresa va ser quan l’instal·lador del Photoshop em va dir:
Fa temps vaig comentar sobre, en aquesta entrada.
L’altre comunitat virtual de desvirtulització (ja que serveix en el fons per trobar-se amb gent) a la qual estic subscrit i més o menys actiu és Couchsurfing.
Some years ago I mentioned the Zen of Python. But this time I’d like to expand a bit more.
To access The Zen of Python you could just run Python and execute “import this”:
Si vaig a la pàgina Web del banc que faig servir a Londres (HSBC) i intento fer una transferència internacional apareix:
Sometimes happens: I optimize some process, it takes much less than before. Now it has been the backend of the Tweets Counter (it’s slow but because the graphic is generated in the browser, so the browser receives a .csv file with all the data and prepares it).
The backend was doing some unnecessary things. The […]
Every now and then I need to do some script or at work some C++ code that operates with dates.
It’s not difficult, but because I don’t do it often, and every time the problem is a bit different (now accessing a database, Python and dates) I keep forgetting the best way to do it.
Acabo de veure que transferències bancàries entre bancs britànics tarda “poca estona”. Fet en divendres a mitjanit, la Web diu que sol tardar unes dos hores, Internet diferents Webs diu que tarda minuts. El fet és que en una hora estava al destí.
Sempre trobo curiós que a Espanya es tardi “un dia laborable” a […]