Sudokus molt difícils: hardest ones. Com fer sortir de polleguera a un jugador?

Qui més qui menys té algun amic que fa Sudokus (o un mateix en fa).

Jo quan veig un Sudoku, el primer que em passa pel cap és «com faria el programa que els resolt?». De fet hi ha competicions de programes que resolen Sudokus: en donen un fitxer amb milers de Sudokus i han […]

Google searches

Some time ago I spent a little bit of time searching in Google to know how many Google queries / searches I could do, using some automatic way like a script. Just to know what is the limit of queries that they expect from one user.

I didn’t find an answer. I found some Google […]

Endau-Rompin jungle and leeches

A few weeks ago I went to Malaysia. My longest holidays ever, first time in Asia.

At one point I didn’t know if I would go to Singapore or to Endau-Rompin jungle. Singapore was easier for me (less adventurous) but I really wanted to have a taste of 2 nights in the jungle. At the […]