Waiter? To wait. Patient: to patience

On the last couple of entries I wrote about waiters. I remembered about something that I sometimes think… why some word is that word?

Why a “waiter” is called a waiter? My guess is that because they wait. They wait that someone orders something, they wait for the kitchen to finish something, etc.

And a […]

May I have your bag?

I usually go everywhere with my backpack. Mainly everyday, since 2006, with the same backpack (a Targus one. Last year it got broken -my bad- and I bought the same model).

When, for some reason, I don’t carry the backpack, I always miss something that I have there (the bottle of water, USB Stick, a […]

Is everything ok? (Restaurant)

Some weeks ago I went to a French grill nice restaurant. Nice as good food, service, etc. In the City of London. It was a cold Sunday, 1pm, so the restaurant was empty. Later one it was quite full, and I guess that on the working days is completely full (lunch meetings and so on).


Gandi VPS: good experience!

One year ago I changed the server where Pintant is hosted. Previously it was hosted in a domestic ADSL server, now it’s in a Gandi VPS server.

The server handles Pintant, some other Webs for my family, email, etc. Nothing very exciting and the email bit is the important one.

Before it was in the […]