Archipelago Restaurant: exotic restaurant

Recently, a few colleagues from work went to Archipelago Restaurant. This is a really different restaurant!

The menu has meat from unusual animals: zebra, python, crocodile, bugs, grasshoppers, etc.

Everything is cooked in the western style. The ingredients are different but the result is a familiar to what our taste buds are used to. The […]

Python Code Dojo in the Bank of America: cool!

In June 2009 I moved to London, and shortly afterwards the London Python Code Dojo started (in September).

I’ve already written about the Dojo here (in Catalan, see my personal point of view and how it’s organized posts).

It’s one of my favourite activities here in London – very rewarding, interesting, etc.

We don’t have […]

London Loop – 4 stages

On the The Saturday Walkers’ Club (I mentioned it on another post) I found the London LOOP.

The London LOOP is a hike around London. LOOP in this context means London Outer Orbital Path. It’s bout 220 Km. originally in 23 stages but nowadays it’s commonly done in 15 stages -a popular guide book divided […]

The Saturday Walkers’ Club webpage

Some time ago I discovered the webpage The Saturday Walkers’ Club. If I had to design a webpage with hikes it would be very similar to that one:

Almost all of them start and finish from train stations There is the GPX route for each hike (the route to copy into the GPS device) Detailed […]

Different tastes

In London I’ve been to many performances (music, dance, theatre, musicals, standup, magician, Ukulele extravaganza, etc.). See, for example, another blog post where I talked of Festival of the Spoken Nerd, one of my favourite ones.

I thought that I would enjoy anything. I’m not picky: I’ve been to improvised comedy and Shakespeare (once in […]

Delete photos on the way

I like taking photos. Not all the time, and I don’t ask all the time my travel-mates to pose for me… but I take photos now and then while travelling.

I very rarely delete photos using the camera. If it’s a bad photo (or if I think that it’s not good enough) I take quickly […]

Analogies in a meeting

Some time ago we had a meeting where two sides of the meeting didn’t understand each other. The topic is not very relevant here as it was a software engineering topic.

What I enjoyed the most in the meeting and what amazed me were the analogies used there. They were so good that I even […]

API and UX

In my daily job I develop a desktop application. I work on the full stack of this application: from back-end services (network, sqlite,…) to front-end (buttons, transparencies, etc.) and everything that I need in the middle.

Different teams help us. One of them is UX: User eXperience: they think about the whole user experience: what […]

Coses del català

Li deia a la meva cosineta: si una «taula» petita és una «tauleta»… com és una «monja» petita? «mongeta»!

I un «calçot» petit? «Calçotet!»

I ara he llegit d’una persona que parla català molt bé però que és nadiua d’Estònia: «per què dieu carnisseria, gelateria, peixateria, cansaladeria, etc. però llavors dieu òptica enlloc d’ulleria?» Li […]

Programmers on their knees

A colleague maintains the webpage Programmers on their knees. I really like it! Many of the pictures are from our office. I’m featured in a few places.