Barcelona Super Computing Centre: Mare Nostrum visits

Last month I went to Barcelona and I visited Mare Nostrum: a supercomputer in Barcelona.

For information about the Mare Nostrum you could read the Wikipedia (obviously Dr. Watson), the Barcelona Supercomputer Centre webpage (or see the photo gallery). They even have a Youtube channel with interesting videos.

Mare Nostrum is inside a building that […]

Geek music

Helen Arney, during one of the Festival of the Spoke Nerd, sang this song:

She did amazingly, as always! I’ve talked about her here in Pintant (with a video or the Festival of the Spoken Nerd).

And another song worth a mention:

Prime numbers have always been special for me. My second webpage, […]

Recipe for a bad programming day

Do you want to have an non-productive and bad programming day? I can help you! Keep reading, be my guest. Everything will go bad, don’t worry!

First of all, and for this particular example: you need a bug. A non trivial one and a bit obscure is better. Let’s say that to test if the […]

Telegram, Whatsapp and APIs

At Mendeley we are working on a new API and the documentation is already available at We think that a good API is important to promote Mendeley, create an ecosystem, help niche use cases that we could not tackle, etc.

Since January I have been using Whatsapp. It helps me to keep in contact […]

I want this application to have this option. Found a patch. I did it 2 years ago?

Yesterday I upgraded my Debian distribution. I usually use Debian Testing but I don’t run apt-get upgrade frequently. Many years ago, when I was studying, I used to do it every day but nowadays I do it a few times a year.

Yesterday I upgraded the system and I got a new Firefox version, LibreOffice […]

Hack Days at Mendeley: Elsevier Connect post

Some readers might find the Hack Days at Mendeley: What? Why? How? interesting.

I explained there what we do, how we organize, etc.

Driving in UK: slow

Last weekend I went to Northern Ireland, which was my second time driving a car in the UK.

This time I was really relaxed and I found it almost as easy as on my usual side, probably because I’ve been living in London for 5 years and my brain has been re-wired for the other […]

Kirkaldy Testing Museum

A colleague from work wrote a blogpost with some hidden London museums.

On his blogpost he wrote about 5 museums that are not widely known in London. Some of them open once a month. It’s another type of museum compared to the typical British Museum, Tate, Science Museum, etc.

Recently I went to one of […]

Designing a sport

Let’s say, as an exercise, that I want to design a new sport. I would start with a list of requirements:

It should be possible to practise it indoors (so I can play regardless of the weather). Playing outdoors should be possible but not mandatory. It should be an individual sport, so a team is […]

Archipelago Restaurant: exotic restaurant

Recently, a few colleagues from work went to Archipelago Restaurant. This is a really different restaurant!

The menu has meat from unusual animals: zebra, python, crocodile, bugs, grasshoppers, etc.

Everything is cooked in the western style. The ingredients are different but the result is a familiar to what our taste buds are used to. The […]