Centipedes: 100 legs? or 1000? or 80?

In Catalan we call “centpeus” (100 feet) to that animal that has many legs (similar to a caterpillar). On the Wikipedia I can see that it’s also called “one hundred legs” (not feet).

I like how it sounds in French: “mille-pattes” (pronunced as /milpat/). Means 1000 legs (hey, more than in Spanish or Catalan).

But […]

To improve your memory: eat stalk raisin. Or fish, or liver…

In Catalonia we have one saying “eat stalk raisin” (“menja cues de pansa”). We say it when someone forgets something.

I know that in Alicante zone they say “tienes que comer más pescado” (“you must eat more fish”). And in Morocco they say “eat more liver” (see the Morocco entry, Mustapha is who said so).


I don’t like hardware

When I was younger (or… just young 🙂 ) I used to play with hardware. I liked to get old broken computers, fix them, improve them, upgrade them…

After a while I stopped liking hardware (and I prefer software, programming, etc.). My reasons are:


Mendeley Calibre plugin

At Mendeley we do one hackday a month. It’s very cool: we do what we want (vaguely related to Mendeley) to experiment with new technologies, approaches. Free thinking!

During 2 or 3 hackdays i started doing a Calibre plugin to import Mendeley documents into Calibre. And then from Calibre to your ebook… in just one […]

Good morning, bon dia, buenos dias…

In English we say “Good morning” (so, we wish a good and nice morning).

In Catalan we say “Bon dia”. Literally: “Good day”. It seems that Catalan language is a bit more generous than English language: wishing a whole good day! (not just the morning).

But in Spanish… we say “Buenos dias”. So, literally: “Good […]

I don’t want to be a domesticated dromedary

In my recent trip to Morocco I went to some dunes by… dromedary (so, a camel with only one hump).

The guide said that usually the dromedaries cannot be driven (guided) like a horse. Actually the typical desert image is a person walking and then camels following the person (there is always one walker).

I […]

Chocolate-ware licenses

There is a “free software” license called “Beer license” (or beerware). It doesn’t seem to be recognized as a free software license by theOpen Source Initiative.

In one of the Mendeley hackdays I did a Calibre plugin. I wanted to release it, so it had to have a license. I thought to release with some […]

Experiència Marroc / TourMarruecos.com

Fa mesos pensava on anar aquest febrer/març. M’agrada marxar de Londres alguna setmana durant el febrer perquè es fa fosc d’hora, el temps no acompanya massa, etc. (el desembre, en canvi, com que un espera les vacances de Nadal, passa ràpid 🙂 ).

Vaig demanar consell a uns amics d’una llista de correu catalana… i […]

Share your dreams

Sometimes I say to friends: if I appear in your dreams, please let me know. I understand that it’s my friend’s dreams and there are some privacy issues. But at the same time it’s my image appearing there, so maybe I have the right to know what my image is doing in other people’s dreams.


Fosdem 2013

This year I also went to Fosdem.. It has been my 8th Fosdem, and I keep saying that it is Amazing! It’s the biggest Free Software conference in Europe (more than 5000 attendees).

Nice talks, about 20 at the same time, different topics (from distributions to Ada language, from Voice over IP to LibreOffice…).
