Word ladder is a game where, given two words, the player should find the shorter way to go from one word to the other changing only one letter at a time, always using valid words.
For example: from tap to bat: tap -> cap -> cat -> bat
In the last London Python Code Dojo […]
Què està fent aquesta gent?: Cua a un caixer!
Some years ago I went to a standup comedy/sex class (The Sexual Misery) of Wolfgang Weinberger (you could follow him in Ents24). I signed up there for his weekly newsletter where he answers questions from people.
I really like that week question and answer: Question: Can chocolate ruin your sex life?
One of this talks that when you finish watching you really want to share, scream, Tweet!:
Previously I talked about how to power off a USB device.
That small task was to build a system in order to have some olfactory notification, like a scent, when some emails are received. This could also be triggered by other events in the system: compilation has finished, a new RSS entry, outside is warmer […]
He pensat en fer una mica de xarxa familiar, com els vells temps en els bars (estil «ei, el gendre té molts tomàquets, algú en vol comprar?» però a l’era digital).
magipina.com: perits enginyers tècnics de mines: canteres, permisos d’explotació, explosius (no a caixes fortes… o no fins ara!), topogràfics, seguretat i salut en el […]
Ara fa dos setmanes vaig moure aquest blog, Pintant, varis dominis de mail (com ara el meu principal), altres pàgines Webs, sistemes varis com ara Jabber/XMPP, etc. a un servidor nou a Gandi VPS.
Des de gener 2002 aproximadament que tenia dominis, webs, etc. a un servidor sota la taula connectat amb ADSL de Telefonica […]
I wanted to power off a USB device. Searching in Google for “power off usb” returns different results but I didn’t succeed in any of the suggestions (Linux version 3.2.0).
I asked on the linux-usb mailing list (question, see one of the relevant answers (from Alan Stern). In short: not possible. When using a USB […]
No sóc una persona que estigui a moltes comunitats virtuals. De fet, en aquests moments m’adono que a les dues comunitats que fa anys que estic no són en sí «comunitats virtuals» sinó «comunitats de desvirtualització»: llocs per fer trobades fora d’Internet.
Aquest cop parlaré breument de Meetup.com: és una Web on un es pot […]
Cal fer copies de seguretat. És un tema que ja vaig escriure fa anys (el 2007).
Fa unes setmanes vaig veure aquest cartell al metro: