MultiBit on Debian Wheezy: “Connecting…” instead of “Online”

I installed MultiBit (a Bitcoin client) on my Debian Wheezy. I didn’t know much about Bitcoin so I thought that I’ll install and play around about with it.

I installed Multibit using the “Linux/Unix Installer” (see the instructions).

I ran MultiBit but it didn’t connect to the network. The bottom-left status message always said Connecting… […]

Twitter2Rss in Python (and how I use Twitter)

When Twitter stopped serving RSS feeds, around May 2013 I think, I implemented a small and light Python Twitter-API to RSS proxy. It connects to Twitter using their API, reads the Tweets and generates RSS or Json.

The Json output is similar to the output served by the Twitter API but if you use this […]

The Cambridge Centre for Computing History (computer museum)

On Saturday I went to the new Cambridge Centre for Computing History. Or just.. The Computer Museum.

Hats off to this museum! If you are interested in computers you should really go to the Computing History museum in Cambridge and also to the The National Museum of Computing in Bletchley, which is convenient because Bletchley […]

I wish to have an e-shelf

I’ve been using my e-reader (Kobo Glo) for aproximately one year now.. I’m very happy with the purchase! I find it very convenient, I explained in the other post (in Catalan).

There is one thing that I’ll miss if everybody uses e-readers. I really like to browse book shelves when I’m invited to someone’s house. […]

User pain and developer shame

There is the concept of User Pain. Useful concept which I’ve used at work. It’s not perfect, might need tweaking for each situation but works well.

In a nutshell: given a software bug it is possible to quantify the pain caused by the bug to all the users based on the type of bug (crash, […]

Gandi VPS: good experience!

One year ago I changed the server where Pintant is hosted. Previously it was hosted in a domestic ADSL server, now it’s in a Gandi VPS server.

The server handles Pintant, some other Webs for my family, email, etc. Nothing very exciting and the email bit is the important one.

Before it was in the […]

Pythonanywhere is very nice

Some time ago, in a London Python Code Dojo, I heard about I thought that it was interesting but I didn’t visit the webpage or register myself (lack of time, lack of need, whatever).

In general speaking I’m a bit reluctant to start depending on more Internet services. I try to use and reuse […]

Video tutorial or text

This is a human translation of the Catalan version.

At Mendeley we did a Web application to edit styles. It’s a complex topic, and we had to create some examples documenting how to use it.

We thought if we had to use text or some videos. I prefer text (HTML Web). I prefer it for […]

Vídeo tutorial o texte?

A Mendeley vàrem fer una aplicació Web per editar estils. El tema és complex, i cal documentació amb exemples i com fer-ho servir.

Ens plantejàvem si hauríem de fer text o bé vídeo. Jo prefereixo text (web amb HTML), tan per qui ho fa com per qui ho utilitza (clar, en general!).


Llibre electrònic (Kobo Glo)

Fa unes setmanes em vaig comprar un Kobo Glo, un llibre electrònic.

El vaig comprar perquè estava cansat de portar llibres de Catalunya a Anglaterra; per tenir diccionari quan llegeixo, per quan viatjo no haver de portar varis llibres (sempre és molest quan estic apunt d’acabar un llibre i n’agafo dos -més pes-, etc. etc.).
