May I have your bag?

I usually go everywhere with my backpack. Mainly everyday, since 2006, with the same backpack (a Targus one. Last year it got broken -my bad- and I bought the same model).

When, for some reason, I don’t carry the backpack, I always miss something that I have there (the bottle of water, USB Stick, a […]

Is everything ok? (Restaurant)

Some weeks ago I went to a French grill nice restaurant. Nice as good food, service, etc. In the City of London. It was a cold Sunday, 1pm, so the restaurant was empty. Later one it was quite full, and I guess that on the working days is completely full (lunch meetings and so on).


Comunitats virtuals: Couchsurfing

Fa temps vaig comentar sobre, en aquesta entrada.

L’altre comunitat virtual de desvirtulització (ja que serveix en el fons per trobar-se amb gent) a la qual estic subscrit i més o menys actiu és Couchsurfing.


The Zen of Python

Some years ago I mentioned the Zen of Python. But this time I’d like to expand a bit more.

To access The Zen of Python you could just run Python and execute “import this”:


El Buff és català

Parlava en anglès amb una amiga russa, i em deia no sé què del «baph» o «baf». No ho entenia fins que m’ha ensenyat una foto a Internet del què a casa coneixem com a «Buff», això que es posa al cap típicament, o al coll, de diferents maneres. Sempre m’ha agradat.

Curiositat: ella diu […]

Chocolate and your sex life

Some years ago I went to a standup comedy/sex class (The Sexual Misery) of Wolfgang Weinberger (you could follow him in Ents24). I signed up there for his weekly newsletter where he answers questions from people.

I really like that week question and answer: Question: Can chocolate ruin your sex life?


TED talk: how to buy happiness

One of this talks that when you finish watching you really want to share, scream, Tweet!:


Copies de seguretat

Cal fer copies de seguretat. És un tema que ja vaig escriure fa anys (el 2007).

Fa unes setmanes vaig veure aquest cartell al metro:


Wood Green to Farringdon travel duration

Every working day (except holidays) I go to work. So I leave home and walk to my local tube station: Wood Green. Then I get a train to Kings Cross where I change the train to Farringdon.

Some days, if Piccadilly Line has delays, I change in Finsbury Park. For some weeks, 1 or 2 […]

Sudokus molt difícils: hardest ones. Com fer sortir de polleguera a un jugador?

Qui més qui menys té algun amic que fa Sudokus (o un mateix en fa).

Jo quan veig un Sudoku, el primer que em passa pel cap és «com faria el programa que els resolt?». De fet hi ha competicions de programes que resolen Sudokus: en donen un fitxer amb milers de Sudokus i han […]