Mendeley CSL Locales

I don’t talk often of my day job at Mendeley here… but this time I can’t stop myself.

Finally, Mendeley Desktop supports CSL Locales! In Mendeley we use the Citation Style Language and citeproc-js to render the citations and the bibliographies. A year ago I talked here about the CSL project (what is the CSL […]

My tenth Fosdem: 2015

A few weekends ago I went to Fosdem… again! It was my tenth Fosdem, I’ve been every year since 2006! I’ve mentioned it here on the blog almost every year.

And, like always: full of interesting talks, some devrooms were full which affected me for the automation and testing room and almost for the Mozilla […]

Raspberry Pi: from none to two

I know that 2015 is a bit late to have the first Raspberry Pi “in production”… but until now I didn’t really need one and I try to not have things that I don’t need. Note that the meaning of the word “need” here is very flexible, as I actually don’t really need the Raspberry […]

Find Mendeley users

I haven’t written anything here for 3 weeks and a bit… but not because I didn’t do anything – quite the opposite, I finished or almost finished some projects.

First small project: a simple Web page so Mendeley users can add themselves on a map: find Mendeley users (we haven’t publicized it from Mendeley so […]

Happy 2015!

I hope everyone have a good 2015!

And for the IT colleagues, and as I said when I started my holidays: I wish a bug free and feature rich year! 🙂

Recent change in the blog theme

A few weeks ago I changed this blog’s theme. Since 2006 it had had the same theme, which was getting a bit old, it had fixed width, and it wasn’t using the latest WordPress improvements like it didn’t have support for widgets.

I had a few requirements for the new theme: I wanted a 2 […]

Bye bye Thinkpad T60

A message for my old IBM Thinkpad T60 laptop: thank you for all your good service! I probably can say that it’s the best laptop that I have ever had and the one that lasted longest (8 years is quite a lot for a laptop!)

In August 2006 I got my previous laptop: an IBM […]

Llibre: Hackstory

Fa poc he llegit el llibre Hackstory de Mercè Molist. Quan el vaig començar no pensava que m’agradĂ©s tant com ha estat. Em va sorprendre molt.

És molt amè, informatiu, entretingut. Si recordo bĂ© comença cap a l’any 1980 amb temes de radioaficionats (que vaig fer els meus “pinitus”), desprĂ©s parla de BBS (en vaig […]

Mapnik, osmosis, MongoDB bbox queries

Recently I’ve done a few tests querying data (POIs, Points of Interest) from Open Street Map. I imported the data from OSM into different databases and formats and I wanted to query it.

I’ll show 3 queries: from MongoDB, from PostgreSQL (tables using Osmosis format), from PostgreSQL (tables using osm2psql format).

POIs from MongoDB

I […]

Foreign travel advice: Spain

A few months ago I was researching how safe it is to travel to a few countries. I used the Foreign Travel Advice webpage from the British government.

I thought to do a bit of “quality control” of their information. What do they say about countries that I know well?

So I went to read […]