How to name things – thesaurus tip

I’m not particularly good at naming things (variables, methods, functions, classes, modules, etc.). Long time ago George (a colleague) and I were trying to think with “a better name” for a class but none of us had any good ideas. He suggested to use a thesaurus to check for synonyms, related words, etc. and start […]

Mendeley CSL Locales

I don’t talk often of my day job at Mendeley here… but this time I can’t stop myself.

Finally, Mendeley Desktop supports CSL Locales! In Mendeley we use the Citation Style Language and citeproc-js to render the citations and the bibliographies. A year ago I talked here about the CSL project (what is the CSL […]

Raspberry Pi: from none to two

I know that 2015 is a bit late to have the first Raspberry Pi “in production”… but until now I didn’t really need one and I try to not have things that I don’t need. Note that the meaning of the word “need” here is very flexible, as I actually don’t really need the Raspberry […]

Find Mendeley users

I haven’t written anything here for 3 weeks and a bit… but not because I didn’t do anything – quite the opposite, I finished or almost finished some projects.

First small project: a simple Web page so Mendeley users can add themselves on a map: find Mendeley users (we haven’t publicized it from Mendeley so […]

Bye bye Thinkpad T60

A message for my old IBM Thinkpad T60 laptop: thank you for all your good service! I probably can say that it’s the best laptop that I have ever had and the one that lasted longest (8 years is quite a lot for a laptop!)

In August 2006 I got my previous laptop: an IBM […]

Python UK Conference 2014: very personal point of view

Like in 2013 I attended the Pycon-UK conference in Coventry. Amazing conference, I went to many talks with different topics: Python itself, high performance Python, testing software, some more social talks, the always interesting lightning talks, etc.

I could write about many of the talks but some people are already doing it in the PostConf […]

Barcelona Super Computing Centre: Mare Nostrum visits

Last month I went to Barcelona and I visited Mare Nostrum: a supercomputer in Barcelona.

For information about the Mare Nostrum you could read the Wikipedia (obviously Dr. Watson), the Barcelona Supercomputer Centre webpage (or see the photo gallery). They even have a Youtube channel with interesting videos.

Mare Nostrum is inside a building that […]

Geek music

Helen Arney, during one of the Festival of the Spoke Nerd, sang this song:

She did amazingly, as always! I’ve talked about her here in Pintant (with a video or the Festival of the Spoken Nerd).

And another song worth a mention:

Prime numbers have always been special for me. My second webpage, […]

Recipe for a bad programming day

Do you want to have an non-productive and bad programming day? I can help you! Keep reading, be my guest. Everything will go bad, don’t worry!

First of all, and for this particular example: you need a bug. A non trivial one and a bit obscure is better. Let’s say that to test if the […]

Telegram, Whatsapp and APIs

At Mendeley we are working on a new API and the documentation is already available at We think that a good API is important to promote Mendeley, create an ecosystem, help niche use cases that we could not tackle, etc.

Since January I have been using Whatsapp. It helps me to keep in contact […]